Greenway is a well established pre-school with a caring and welcoming atmosphere. We are fully inclusive and open to all children, as stated in our Admission policy.
An overview of the setting
Greenway is a fairly large setting in rented premises, formally a sports centre. We are spread over a large hall, long corridor and several classrooms. We have a disabled toilet available. We endeavour to adapt our setting as much as possible to accommodate each child’s individual needs, however the physical environment is unusual and therefore a visit is recommended.
Our experienced SENDCO alongside the Key People will identify if a child needs extra support at an early stage through regular observations and assessment. Regular communication with parents/carers through termly meetings, end of term reports and daily feedback, ensure they are updated and informed of progress.
Greenway SENDCo’s (Mrs Saunders, and Mrs Polya)
- Child development meetings each term
- Team Around the Child (TAC) meetings
- Advice on how to support learning at home
- Regular contact between parents/carers and the setting
- Seek advice from Local Area SENDCo and communicate this with parents
- EYFS Curriculum planning differentiation
- Partnership working with other professionals
- Support for communication needs
- Additional support in setting, through Pre-School Liaison Group funding.
Individual age and stage development tracked through observations and assessments, all recorded in each child’s Learning Journey. Next steps are purposeful and relevant. Progress is tracked and information shared with parents through end of term paperwork and termly meetings. If outside professionals are involved, regular Team Around the Child meetings can take place, including parents.
One page profiles and Individual Outcome Plans (IOP’s) are used. Consistent Key Person available to give daily feedback to parent/carer.
The setting has 1 SENDCo trained staff .
Our building is all on one floor with no steps at the entrance. However the long narrow corridors and tight turns for toilets would not be easily accessible for a wheelchair. The building is old and does have restrictions but we endeavour to adapt where we are able.
Individual Outcome Plans are drawn up in order to support the child to reach individual targets. Most of the children with SEND who have attended our setting have had one to one additional support in order to fully support their needs. In some cases, due to the complex layout of the buildings, this is essential. Differentiation of planned activities and risk assessments are carried out. Parents are encouraged to be involved as much as possible.
- Contact with familiar adult – Key person remains essential in periods of transition.
- Meetings with future teacher at new school, visits to new school, invite new teacher to visit setting.
Topic of the term; focusing on transition. - Visual aids/timetables and routines.
- Parent consultation
- Links with Children’s Centres